1 in 11 youth Internet users received a sexual solicitation

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In 2010 approximately 1 in 11 youth Internet users (9%) received an unwanted sexual solicitation in the past year.

This continues a decline from 19% in 2000 to 13% in 2005. Overall,reports of unwanted sexual solicitations declined 53% over the past decade.

Aggressive solicitations decreased slightly between 2005 and 2010 from 4% to 3%.

Proportion of solicitations which are aggressive in nature increased slightly between 2005 and 2010 after a large increase from 2000.

In 2000 the proportion of solicitations that were aggressive in nature was 15%, 31% in 2005, and 34% in 2010.

Distressing sexual solicitations continued to decline, from 5% in 2000 to 4% in 2005 to 2% in 2010; indicating a 60% decline over the past decade.

The proportion of sexual solicitations that was distressing went from 25% in 2000 to 34% in 2005 to 27% in 2010.

Key Trends in Unwanted Sexual Solicitations:

Declines were greatest among the youngest children (ages 10‐12) who may be less equipped to handle such solicitations.

The proportion of youth receiving multiple solicitations declined.

The source of unwanted sexual solicitations was other youth and young adults under the age of 25, not older adults.

There was an increasing percentage of solicitations from prior offline acquaintances and a decline in those from people met online.

Most sexual solicitations were occurring in social networking sites by 2010 compared to predominately chat rooms in 2000.

There was an increasing number of youth disclosing the solicitation to both friends and parents.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20220119195312/http://unh.edu/ccrc/pdf/Full%20Trends%20Report%20Feb%202014%20with%20tables.pdf